Facility Use Guidelines
We at Trinity see connecting with our community through sharing the use of our facility as part of our ministry in and to the City of Regina. We appreciate your interest in having an event in our building whether it be our beautiful sanctuary with its incredible acoustics, our versatile community gathering space at the rear of the sanctuary, or one of our smaller adjacent gathering spaces. Most of Trinity’s facilities are on a single level. There are three stairs to the dais at the front of the sanctuary, and 19 stairs to the choir loft. At the present time, our washroom facilities are not gender neutral, nor are they fully accessible for all different physical abilities and limitations. We are actively seeking funding so that we can address these needs with renovations which will make our space more accessible and hospitable. Any events taking place in Trinity’s building are also welcome to share our parking lot during the event.
We are eager to connect with the wider community by hosting events such as concerts, recitals, meetings, or family gatherings. As this is a part of our ministry, we do not have a set fee that we charge for the use of our space. There are, however, costs associated with keeping this building in a state of warmth and cleanliness that make it a welcoming, hospitable environment in which the community can gather. As such, we are providing these guidelines for suggested donations to help us keep Trinity a place where your events and our worship can grow and thrive for many years to come.
Our donation suggestions take into consideration the cost of heating/cooling, power, water, cleaning, and the Facility Manager’s time to set up, open, and close the facility. A building supervisor must be in attendance for all events.
Pastor and/or church council members may need to be consulted before your event booking can be confirmed.
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Facility Fee/Donation Suggestions
- Please note if you are needing the space for a few hours prior to the actual start of the event for your own setup, this would be a FULL DAY amount suggested fee.
Bookings for multiple consecutive days will have the suggested charge of $250/day
Regular repeated bookings throughout the year are arranged with the office and council on an individual basis
Pastor’s Honorarium
- paid directly to the pastor for marriage or funeral services
- suggested amount for marriage preparation: $200 - $300
- suggested amount for marriage service: $200 - $300
- suggested amount for funeral services: $200 - $300
- suggested amount for graveside service (delayed interment): $100 - $200
Additional Sanctuary costs:
- Accompanist Fee (to play piano or organ): $100 - paid directly to musician
- Sound System Operator if needed: $50
- Use of piano or organ when providing own musician: $50
Please note: no food or drink is permitted at the piano or organ.
Please make all donations payable to
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
By cheque or cash in person before or on the day of the event.
Please let the office know 7 days in advance of any changes or cancellation of your booking.
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Facility Use Guidelines
1. The use of the narthex, sanctuary or chapel requires pre-booking through the church office and signing of a contract.
2. The building exists first and foremost for doing the work of the church. All activities within this building must respect that this is a place of worship.
3. Following the laws of Saskatchewan, smoking or vaping is NOT allowed in any part of the building under any circumstances. Smudging or use of incense for worship is permitted, but the office must be notified if these activities will take place at your event.
4. Alcoholic beverages may be brought into and consumed on the church premises provided the User (that is the person entering into the rental agreement) meets the licensing requirements of the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Commission.
5. The User must ensure the presence of reliable adult supervision during all uses of the facilities.
6. Upon completion of User activities, the User must:
Leave the building in a clean and orderly condition.
Place all garbage and other refuse in the containers provided and store as directed.
Ensure all doors are properly closed and securely locked.