Get Involved

TLC Pantry
The TLC Pantry and the work we do in the community is a holistic ministry. What began as a small bit of assistance to our neighbours when they asked for help, has developed, by the power of God, into a closely-knit group of volunteers, providing countless hours of dedicated effort and heart to some of Regina’s most vulnerable members. From ordering supplies and prepping lunch bags to handing out the lunches, winter wear and socks – our volunteers work hard to provide what we can to folks in need.

Liturgical Environment Committee
The Liturgical Environment team’s mandate is to help transform the physical presence of the church (the nave, narthex, etc.) according to the liturgical seasons, to enhance our worship experience, and to create a sacred spiritual space.
Support Our Giving Campaign
Help our church continue to provide critical programming to one of Regina's most vulnerable communities.

Social & Fellowship Committee

Property Committee

Refugee Committee
Interested in getting involved?
Please contact us! | 306. 757. 7729