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Baptism is one of two sacraments celebrated in the Evangelical Lutheran tradition. Baptism is also the main initiation into the Christian community and church membership. At Trinity, as part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church In Canada, we baptize people of any age, and recognize one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins, as we assert in the Nicene Creed. If you have previously been baptized in another Christian church or tradition, there is no need for you to be baptized again.


We believe that Baptism is God’s action in a person’s life, and that action of God naming a person God’s own beloved child can never be undone, and need never be redone. For people wanting to make public affirmation of or recommitment to their faith, we encourage a practice of Affirmation of Baptism, or Confirmation.


If you have never been baptized, or you wish to have your child baptized, we would be delighted to celebrate that occasion with you at Trinity!


In preparation for Baptism, you will meet with Trinity’s pastor for a session of Baptismal Preparation. If a child or infant is being baptized, the parent(s) will take responsibility for bringing their child to be baptized, and will make promises to share their faith with their child as they grow. Baptismal Preparation will go over these promises, and our Evangelical Lutheran understanding of God’s action in joining a child’s life to Christ in the sacrament of Baptism. If an older youth or adult wishes to be baptized, they can choose to make their own baptismal promises, with the support of their sponsor(s).


You will also need to be in contact with the church office with some important information for our records. These include proper names of those being baptized and their parents (for children) and baptismal sponsors (also called godparents). Our office administrator will make sure that we have all this information for our record-keeping, and for your Baptismal Certificate, before the date of the Baptism.


Normally, Baptism takes place during our regular weekly worship service, as part of the ritual involves the congregation also welcoming and promising to support and encourage the newly baptized as a member of the community of faith. In certain circumstances, private or family gatherings for Baptism may be appropriate.


Baptism is an important part of our ministry as a congregation of followers of Jesus. There is no charge or fee for participating in our worshiping community or joining our congregation in baptism. If you wish to make a donation to the ongoing ministry of the church as we collect our offering in worship or make a specific donation to our Memorial Fund to mark this special occasion, you are more than welcome to do so.

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