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Times of grief and loss when a loved one dies are some of the occasions in life when it is most common to turn to a faith leader for support. At Trinity, we are glad to provide personal assistance to arrange the best possible service for you and your family and friends, as we prepare to give your loved one back to God in thanksgiving for the life they have shared with you.


A funeral or memorial service is a worship service, but you or your loved one do not have to belong to a particular religious tradition for Pastor Sarah to help you prepare and preside at their funeral. There are many different options and ways that a life can be celebrated lovingly and appropriately. It is most important that you feel cared for and your loved one is honoured as we mark this significant time.


There are so very many things that need to be attended to when a person dies. It is recommended that you consult a funeral home to help you navigate these often overwhelming tasks. At Trinity, we can help you plan a worship service, but we do not have the same skill set that funeral directors do in managing all these other necessary items.


If you would like for Pastor Sarah to preside at a funeral or memorial service for your loved one - in Trinity’s sanctuary, at a funeral home or cemetery, or in another setting - please contact the church office or reach out to Pastor Sarah directly on her cell phone at 1-306-380-2146. Pastor Sarah will meet with you and your family or friends, and will coordinate with your funeral director to plan the service that best suits your loved one. This meeting will usually involve you sharing some thoughts and memories about your loved one, as well as choosing some scripture readings and music to incorporate into the service.


Committal and burial of the dead is an important part of our ministry as a congregation of followers of Jesus. A funeral or memorial service is a worship service, and there is no charge or fee to gather for worship in Trinity’s sanctuary. If you wish to make a donation either to the church’s operating costs or to our Memorial Fund in memory of your loved one, that would be most appreciated.


It is common, but not necessary, to give an honorarium to the pastor who plans and presides at a funeral service, and any musicians or technicians who help with the service should also be recognized with an honorarium. Please see our Facility Use Guidelines or contact the office for suggested donation amounts for these honoraria as well as if you wish to use our community gathering space for a reception following the service.


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